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科技紫微網由張盛舒老師創辦之全球最大算命網站,提供豐富免費算命占卜,包含今日運勢、流年運勢、紫微、八字、星座、星盤、桃花、占卜、姓名、命名、前世、塔羅、點燈、愛情、姻緣、命盤、農民曆、心理測驗、生肖及紫微線上課程教學等等,天天給你超好運 麥玲玲
Kevin Lau Feng Shui 劉國偉風水命理顧問
Kevin Lau 劉國偉為蘇民峰師傅徒弟,信報專欄作者,專業風水、八字運程算命、改名、擇日,同時擔任不少中外機構的風水命理顧問。Kevin Lau is a Geomancy Consultant and columnist of HKEJ who good at Feng Shui and Bazi Fortune-telling.
Chinese Text Project 中國哲學書電子化計劃
The world's largest digital library of pre-modern Chinese: an open-access digital library that makes pre-modern Chinese texts available to readers and researchers all around the world. The site attempts to make use of the digital medium to explore new ways of interacting with these texts that are not possible in print.
FengShui.Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research is a World Class Professional & Authentic Traditional Feng Shui on the Web since 1996.
Feng Shui Supply
The most choice of Feng Shui products you can find on the net. Tibetan Dzi Bead and Crystal collections. Easy to use feng shui tips available for your reference.
七仙羽 Metaphysician Qi Xian Yu Master 7
七仙羽(七師傅)是一位屢獲殊榮的著名風水大師兼電視藝人,擁有超過 25 年從事磡輿風水、法科法事、西洋身心靈的經驗。她精通中西方玄學,帮助衆多善信改變了命運,為了表彰她在風水方面的專業知識和貢獻,於 2022 年 11 月,七仙羽師傅榮獲了「亞洲最佳風水大師獎」。
Chinese Feng Shui Online Calculation Tool
We offer a Chinese Feng Shui online calculation tool integrated with AI intelligent analysis, including Chinese Feng Shui calculation, I Ching divination, and Bazi fortune-telling services. Our advanced technology provides accurate results.
不南 - 让人生不难
我们也希望人生能有攻略,可以教你在成功时知道如何保持、困难时知道如何继续、迷茫时知道方向在哪、懈怠时知道如何改变… 不南APP因此而诞生,这是一款以「人生攻略」为主旨的APP。
Buddha & Karma
Buddha & Karma brings spiritual jewelry created to empower your life. Find healing, abundance, and protection from our collection. Visit us today!
Karma and Luck
Timeless jewelry and home decor that is carefully designed to bring you more happiness, health and prosperity. Lovingly handcrafted by artisans all around the world to provide you with a blessing of good luck and karma. Awaken a deeper awareness, find your purpose, and manifest your dreams today!