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Bazi Calculator
Recommendations for BaZi Calculator: The program is very good, better than 90% of the Chinese 4P software (forget the English ones) - Ken Lai

iPhemeris 占星術エフェメリス
iPhemeris Ephemerisは、最高のモバイル西洋占星術の天文暦です。1700年から2100年まで400年をカバー(7700年まで延長可能)し、占星術師が必要とする全てのデータを含みます。

Future: Horoscope & Astrology
The Best iPhone Horoscope & Astrology app trusted by top astrologers 'Future' will help you better understand yourself as well as other people's personalities.

Chinese Feng Shui Online Calculation Tool
We offer a Chinese Feng Shui online calculation tool integrated with AI intelligent analysis, including Chinese Feng Shui calculation, I Ching divination, and Bazi fortune-telling services. Our advanced technology provides accurate results.

Astro Gold
Astro Gold is the professional-level astrology iPhone and iPad app that you have been waiting for!

紫微斗數—唯一全部免費先天\大運\流年\流月\流日\流時\流分命盤的APP 紫微派系集大成者 中州、三合、四化、飛星、欽天排盤軟體 命盤時間全覆蓋 先天、大運、流年、流月、流日、流時、流分 十二宮位全解析 命宮、事業、愛情、財運、健康等完整詳批 大師權威運勢報告 皇家報告、姻緣錦囊、財富報告、事業報告等 紫微斗數—最權威最精准的紫微斗數排盤批命APP !

論八字(iCalc8Words)是一個計算八字的算命軟體。根據輸入的西曆或農曆時間, 排出命主的八字資訊, 大運, 小運, 流年, 空亡, 胎息, 胎元, 命宮及五行信息等;細盤功能(四柱, 當前大運, 流年盤);二十八宿信息。

Tarot readings: choose ten cards to see your future with the tarot. A 100% free, interactive card reading created by a tarot reader.

Cafe Astrology
Discover astrology reports, relationship astrology, daily weekly and monthly horoscopes, compatibility, free charts, synastry, celebrity, and love signs.